Tuesday, October 27, 2009

the "mass send" text message dilema

Why is it a secret to send a mass text, and why do people get offended when they discover they have been mass texted?
So it is Friday night and you bored as hell writing a blog about mass texting when you decide to find out what is going on that night. You pull out your phone and send a text "what are you doing tonight?" to pretty much everyone in your phonebook. Your friend Rhonda happens to be sitting next to Benny as they receive your text. They cant help but notice that their phones went off at the same exact time, and Rhonda decides to put it out there " benny that was amy asking what was going on tonight" benny looks up in disgust "omg rhonda she said the same thing to me i bet she just mass texted everyone in her phonebook" they both decide to ignore the text because they are so upset to be victims of the mass text. what the hell. is it a crime that i am a multi tasker? is it soooo bad that i want to know what both of them are doing? No this didnt really happen but i have given it some thought....

It first occured to me as i experienced the receiving end of a mass text the other day at work when I discovered that a coworker of mine was sending the same messages to me and another coworker, jace. As jace was asking the coworker what he meant by some of the text i realized that they were the same texts that i had been getting from this coworker.. for some reason i felt betrayed or something. Then half way through my rant on how i must not mean that much to this coworker in my head i stopped midsentence and asked myself. what the fuck is wrong with you. why are you even thinking about this? who cares?

Its like cheating through text for some people. what the hell. just answer the question, maybe they want multiple opinions, maybe they dont want to send the same text fifteen times, maybe they really just want to know what everyone is doing? maybe they are doing a survey? that one is a little out there, but still. who cares?

Attention mass texters: do not be ashamed. do not try and pretend like you're only texting one person either, that can back fire. you know when you send a mass text and you dont know whether to act as if you are speaking to all of them and say "hey does anyone know of anything going on tonight?" or to try and be sneaky like the textee is soooo important " hey what are YOU doing tonight?" I admit, you probably will get more responses with the important textee, but do that at your own risk, you never know who they are with and if they will be a gay ass.

Attention mass text textees: DO NOT be offended. obviously you are important, or else you would not be included in this mass text group. you should be grateful that you made it. How would you feel if you were rhonda and sat next to benny as he recieved a text from a mutual friend and you didnt? then what? see what i mean? Look at it as being part of a club, a very cool club.

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